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Avian Diseases

    Sort Title: Avian Diseases
    Title Abbreviation: Avian Dis.
    Journal Website: http://www.aaapjournals.info/
    Online Access: Unknown
    Language: English
    Geographic Scope: International
    Type: Journal
    Status: Active
    Frequency: Four times per year
    Impact Factor: 1.104
    Impact Factor Year: 2015
    ISSN: 0005-2086
    eISSN: 1938-4351

Avian Diseases is an international journal dedicated to publishing original basic or clinical research of the highest quality from various disciplines including microbiology, immunology, pathology and epidemiology. Papers on avian diseases relevant to etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and control are accepted. Manuscripts dealing with avian species other than poultry will be considered only if the subject is relevant to poultry health. The mission is to enhance scientific knowledge and promote avian health.

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