Sort Title: Africa – Birds & Birding
Title Abbreviation: Afr. Birds Bird.
Society's Journal Web Page:
Online Access: Hybrid open access to some articles
Geographic Scope: International
Type: Magazine
Status: Inactive
Start Year: 1996
End Year: 2012
Frequency: Six times per year
ISSN: 1025-8264
LCCN: 97643861
Indexed By:
Zoological Record
vol. 1–vol. 17 (1996–2012) Selected articles only
Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Southern African Ornithological Society. BirdLife South Africa
Associated with (but independent of): Southern African Ornithological Society
Published by Africa Geographic. The magazine was discontinued in 2012 but the publishers allowed the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology to post PDFs of selected articles contributed by Fitz staff and students.
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