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The Birds of Africa: Volume VII

Chris Merkord
  • C. Hilary Fry, Stuart Keith Christopher Helm 2014 United Kingdom http://www.bloomsbury.com/9780713665314/ English , Afrotropic, Birds of Africa 7 C. Hilary Fry, Emil K. Urban, Stuart Keith 11/20/2014 9780713665314 No value No value

Universally recognised as by far the most authoritative work ever published on the subject, The Birds of Africa is a superb multi-contributor reference work, with encyclopaedic species texts, stunning paintings of all species and numerous subspecies, hundreds of informative line drawings, detailed range maps, and extensive bibliographies.


Each volume contains an Introduction that brings the reader up to date with the latest developments in African ornithology, including the evolution and biogeography of African birds. Diagnoses of the families and genera, often with superspecies maps, are followed by the comprehensive species accounts themselves. These include descriptions of range and status, field characters, voice, general habits, food, and breeding habits. Full bibliographies, acoustic references, and indexes complete this scholarly work of reference.


This seventh and final volume in the series deals comprehensively with 309 species. These comprise all the seed-eating families, from sparrows to buntings and including weavers, widowbirds, whydahs and waxbills. The editors and artists have worked closely with other authors - all acknowledged experts in their field - to produce a superb reference in which comprehensive texts on every species are complemented by accurate and detailed paintings and drawings of the birds themselves.

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