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Ocells de Catalunya, País Valencià i Balears

Chris Merkord
  • Inclou també Catalunya Nord, Franja de Ponent i Andorra Joan Estrada Francesc Jutglar, Toni Llobet, Martí Franch Lynx Edicions 2014 Spain http://www.lynxeds.com/product/ocells-catalunya-pa%C3%ADs-valenci%C3%A0-i-balears

    • Format: 20 x 12 cm, Paperback
    • Pages: 294
    • 383 species, 1038 ilustrations and 324 maps

    Catalan , Palearctic, , Andorra, Spain, No value 03/01/2014 9788496553958 No value

The first guide covering exclusively the birds of this area. All species are illustrated, including recently established exotics. Completely new and updated texts and maps.


New features of the updated second edition

  • Revised status, distribution and population data for all species, incorporating the most up-to-date information. A large amount of the data is taken from two important ICO projects (Atles dels ocells de Catalunya a l'Hivern 2006-2009 and the online wildlife database Ornitho.cat)
  • New maps for 100 species that show significant changes.
  • Includes 39 new illustrations of 19 species which were not previously fully covered (barn Swallow, larks, immature gulls), as well as 8 new species which, due to the number of observations made in recent years, are no longer considered exceptional (Lesser Spotted Eagle, Caspian Gull and some introduced exotics)
  • Updated nomenclature for all species, based on the latest recommended taxonomy.

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