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Birds of the Homeplace

Chris Merkord
  • The Lives of Ireland's Familiar Birds Anthony McGeehan, Julian Wyllie Collins Press 2014 http://www.collinspress.ie/birds-of-the-homeplace.html English , Palearctic, , Ireland, 10/15/2014 1848892292 9781848892293 No value No value

Ireland is slowly becoming a country of nature and bird enthusiasts. Everyone has a space – gardens, farmland and oases of natural habitat – to enjoy everyday encounters with birds. Familiar the birds may be but their lives can fascinate and they are adapted to survive in ways that surprise. They are centre stage in this book that brings alive the feathered characters of Irish neighbourhoods.


Following the success of Birds Through Irish Eyes, Anthony McGeehan and Julian Wyllie take on the task of showcasing over seventy species, from Coal Tits, which choose to drop more seed from feeders than they carry away, to Irish Swallows, which avoid dying from thirst while crossing the Sahara. Some are permanent residents, others use Ireland as one of several homes. Distinctive descriptions are complemented by stunning photographs.


‘Common-or-garden’ is a term that has patronised Ireland’s familiar birds for too long. Discover what our birds do and enjoy them even more.

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