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Avifauna of the States of Northern Eurasia (former USSR)

Chris Merkord
  • Checklists Evgeny A. Koblik, Vladimir Yu. Arkhipov KMK Scientific Press 2014 Russian Federation http://avtor-kmk.ru/pages/showitem.php?id=586

    Title: Fauna Ptits Stran Severnoi Evrazii v Granitsakh Byvshego SSSR: Spiski Vidov

    Title: Фауна птиц стран Северной Евразии в границах бывшего СССР: cписки видов

    Author: Е.А. Коблик, В. Ю. Архипов

    Publisher: Товарищество научных изданий КМК


    171 pages, 205 х 295 mm,

    Russian , Palearctic, , Russian Federation, Zoologicheskie Issledovania 14 No value 01/01/2014 9785873179855 No value

This report is a part of a series on inventory of avian fauna of the territory spanning the historical range of the Russian Empire and the USSR. We present a complete checklist of birds of Northern Eurasia within the borders of the former USSR within 20 subregions on that territory. As of the end of 2013 the list includes 912 species. In 7 years since the previous publication of this checklist we added 24 species, changed the taxonomical status of 19 forms that were close to being ranked as a species. We also added a list of unconfirmed registrations and vagrant species. An electronic version of the checklist is constantly updated and is available on the website of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University: http://zmmu.msu.ru/spec/publikacii/neserijnye-izdaniya/fauna-ptic-stran-severnoj-evrazii

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