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Greater Sage-Grouse

Chris Merkord
  • Ecology and Conservation of a Landscape Species and Its Habitats Steve Knick, John W. Connelly University of California Press 2011 Berkeley, California United States http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520267114

    664 pages


    Adobe PDF E-Book ISBN: 9780520948686

    ePUB Format ISBN: 9780520948686

    English , Nearctic, , Canada, United States, , Pheasants and allies (Phasianidae), Studies in Avian Biology 38 05/01/2011 9780520267114 No value 05/01/2011 9780520948686

Admired for its elaborate breeding displays and treasured as a game bird, the Greater Sage-Grouse is a charismatic symbol of the broad open spaces in western North America. Unfortunately these birds have declined across much of their range—which stretches across 11 western states and reaches into Canada—mostly due to loss of critical sagebrush habitat. Today the Greater Sage-Grouse is at the center of a complex conservation challenge. This multifaceted volume, an important foundation for developing conservation strategies and actions, provides a comprehensive synthesis of scientific information on the biology and ecology of the Greater Sage-Grouse. Bringing together the experience of thirty-eight researchers, it describes the bird’s population trends, its sagebrush habitat, and potential limitations to conservation, including the effects of rangeland fire, climate change, invasive plants, disease, and land uses such as energy development, grazing, and agriculture.

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