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Carlos Wotzkow

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Posts posted by Carlos Wotzkow

  1. I have been dreaming about Wiley for some nights now. Always with the feeling that my dear friend was no longer available for a letter or a talk about Cuban Raptors. It is with deep sadness that I see now that Jim is no more among us. I am profoundly touched by this news, and as Eduardo said, Cuba's ornithology own him an immense gratitude. 

    Jim was my personal advisor in all the ornithological researches I did in Cuba. Since my first paper about the Cuban Kestrel until my last on the Cuban collection of birds in the museum of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The few we know about the Cuban raptors have the name of Jim Wiley attached. In a modest effort that took me 5 years and more that 30 trips to the areas where the Accipiter gundlachi was still present, a new subspecies was described in his name. The Accipiter gundlachi wileyi was clearly different from the nominative sp. Paraphrasing the Cuban poet Gertrudis Gómez d'Avellaneda when Gundlach dedicated to her a butterfly, I must say that Jim's name engraved on a cold stone of a grave will surely disappear with the time, but his name on the wings of the Gundlach Hawk will definitively last forever.

    Carlos Wotzkow (gundlachi@hotmail.com)

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