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  • Jamaica Field Technicians (2-3)

    Guest Dr. Bryant Dossman
    • Employer: Georgetown University
      Location: Whitehouse, Westmoreland Parish
      Country: Jamaica
      Last Date to Apply: No value
      Open Until Filled: Yes


    We seek (2-3) seasonal field technicians to assist with a long-term study of the winter ecology of American redstarts in Southwest Jamaica from February 1 - May 1, 2024. We will be actively mapping the density of wintering redstarts on the study sites and monitoring their movements and activity through the winter up to through their spring departure in May. 

    Assistants can expect 6-8 hours in the field, six days per week, walking in flooded mangrove forests sometimes inhabited by crocodiles and maneuvering through dense and thorny second-growth scrub. Flexibility with hot, buggy working conditions, work schedules, and living situations is absolutely key to success in this position. Competitive applicants will be very self-motivated, have the ability to resight and follow tiny color-banded birds, and extract songbirds quickly and safely from mist nets. Experience with radio telemetry and banding experience is preferred but optional. Assistants will gain experience in banding and tagging small migratory passerines and learning how to operate an automated radio telemetry array that is part of the larger motus wildlife tracking network. 

    Fieldwork will involve mapping warbler territories via color band resights, banding, and radio-tagging redstarts. In addition, some vegetation and insect sampling will be required, along with assisting in the general maintenance of an automated radio telemetry array located on the study site (e.g. carrying heavy batteries). 

    We will begin reviewing applications on December 20, and applications submitted after that will be considered on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.

    Minimum qualifications:

    1. At least some prior experience conducting ecological fieldwork, ideally with birds.

    2. Ability to tolerate working in hot and humid conditions. 

    3. Comfortable working with minimal supervision and as part of a team.

    4. Ability to follow standardized protocols and carefully record and enter data.

    5. Experience resighting color-banded birds and spot-mapping territories

    6. Mildly funny. 


    Preferred qualifications:

    1. Experience extracting and banding birds

    2. Experience tagging passerines.


    Wage: A stipend of $1500-$2000 per month will be provided - depending on experience. Beautiful housing with ocean views will be provided. Flights from the US to Jamaica and in-country travel will also be provided.


    To apply: Email to Dr. Bryant Dossman (bd618 (at) georgetown.edu) a single document (PDF preferred) with the subject line “Jamaica Field Technician” including:

    (1) a cover letter describing previous avian research experience and interest in this position;

    (2) a resume or CV;

    (3) contact information for three references


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