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2011 Annual Meeting

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Information about the meeting will be posted at the website of the Waterbird Society (http://www.waterbirds.org/annual_meeting).


*THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WATERBIRD SOCIETY will be held in Annapolis, Maryland, from 10 Nov – 12 Nov 2011. This meeting will constitute the annual meeting for the 2011 calendar year, and will include presentations of research papers, symposia, workshops, social events and area field trips.  The meeting venue is a charming city founded in 1649 and home to the U.S. Naval Academy.  Annapolis is a walking city with historical buildings, and waterfront dining and recreation.  Chesapeake Bay and nearshore waters offer a variety of field trip options for birding and to view research and restoration sites.  Members and prospective attendees are invited to participate in the development of the scientific program by submitting proposals to organize symposia, sessions and workshops.  Potential topics include but are not limited to: 1) conservation science of beach-nesting shorebirds, 2) first-year update of impacts of Deepwater Horizon oil spill on waterbirds, 3) assessing abundance and demographics of secretive marshbirds, 4) coordinated monitoring of colonially-nesting waterbirds, 5) restoration of wetland habitats in Chesapeake Bay, 6) transboundary management and conservation issues of seabirds, 7) new developments in tracking technology.  Proposals should include 1-2 paragraph summary including rationale, and list of proposed speakers and presentation titles, and should be sent to the Scientific Program Chair by 1 July 2011.  Deadline for submitting abstracts for paper sessions and posters is 1 September 2011. Submit an abstract and/or register. Information about the meeting will be posted at the website of the Waterbird Society (http://www.waterbirds.org/annual_meeting). Contacts for the meeting are: ELLEN PAUL, Local Committee Co-Chair [encode_email email=ellen.Paul@verizon.net" display="ellen.paul@verizon.net], Melanie Steinkamp, Local Committee Co-Chair [encode_email email=Melanie_Steinkamp@fws.gov" display="Melanie_Steinkamp@fws.gov], and KATHARINE PARSONS, Scientific Program Chair [encode_email email=katharinecparsons@gmail.com" display="katharinecparsons@gmail.com]).




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