The Estonian Journal of Ecology was a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal issued by the Estonian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the University of Tartu, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University, and Tallinn University of Technology.
The journal was originally published in 1952 as the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Biology, Ecology (ISSN 1406-0914). It was renamed the Estonian Journal of Ecology starting with the 2008 volume.
The journal published original contributions about biotic and abiotic environment; interactions between human and natural systems across temporal and spatial scales, in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; past and future changes in the environmental quality; and sustainable use of natural resources. The journal published research papers, notes, and review articles, focusing on the area of the Baltic Sea Basin.
The journal was abstracted/indexed by:
- Airiti Incorporation
- Biological Abstracts – Biosis
- CAB Abstracts database
- Cambridge Scientific Abstracts - ProQuest
- Chemical Abstracts (CAS)
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- Elsevier – SCOPUS
- Global Health database
- Gale's Academic OneFile database
- Google Scholar
- IBIDS database
- NISC SA database
- ProQuest LLC
- Research and Markets
- Thomson Reuters - BIOSIS Previews
- Thomson Reuters - Zoological Record
- WilsonWe
- Serials linking to this serial: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Biology and Ecology
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