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Acta Zoologica Sinica

    Subtitle: Chinese Journal of Zoology
    Sort Title: Acta Zoologica Sinica
    Title Abbreviation: Acta Zool. Sin.
    Society's Journal Web Page: http://www.actazool.org/
    Online Access: Open access to some volumes
    Geographic Scope: International
    Type: Journal
    Status: Inactive
    Start Year: 1935
    End Year: 2008
    Frequency: Six times per year
    Succeeding Title: Current Zoology
    ISSN: 0001-7302
    http://www.actazool.org/contentstable.asp 47-54 (2001-2008) Current Zoology

The last volume under this name was 54. Volume 55 is under the succeeding journal's title.

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