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Ornithologische Mitteilungen

    Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Vogelbeobachtung, Feldornithologie und Avifaunistik
    Sort Title: Ornithologische Mitteilungen
    Title Abbreviation: Ornithol. Mitt.
    Journal Website: http://www.ornithologische-mitteilungen.de/
    Online Access: No online access
    Language: German
    Language for Abstracts: English
    Geographic Scope: International
    , Germany,
    Type: Journal
    Status: Active
    Start Year: 1948
    Frequency: Six times per year
    ISSN: 0030-5723

"Ornithologische Mitteilungen" is a german journal covering all aspects of ornithology (for example Ecology, Fieldornithology, Behaviour, Taxonomy). Articles are published in german with an english abstract. The journal covers mostly european countries especially the eastern ones. Its content goes from original scientific papers to particular observations and some material is translated from russian sources.

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