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Notatki Ornitologiczne

    Subtitle: Kwartalnik Sekcji Ornitologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Zoologicznego
    Sort Title: Notatki Ornitologiczne
    Title Abbreviation: Not. Ornitol.
    Society's Journal Web Page: http://notatkiornitologiczne.pl/
    Online Access: Unknown
    Language: English Polish
    Geographic Scope: National
    , Poland,
    Type: Journal
    Status: Active
    Frequency: Four times per year
    ISSN: 0550-0842

Publishes original papers in ornithology, methodological and overview articles, notes, reviews, reports, and communiques.


Translated title: Ornithological Notes, Quarterly Journal of the Ornithological Section of the Polish Zoological Society.

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