Sort Title: North American Bird Bander
Title Abbreviation: N. Am. Bird Bander
Publishing Organization:
Eastern Bird Banding Association
Inland Bird Banding Association
Western Bird Banding Association
Society's Journal Web Page:
Online Access: Open access to some volumes
Geographic Scope: International
, United States,
Type: Journal
Status: Active
Start Year: 1976
Frequency: Four times per year
1-30 (1976-2005)
North American Bird Bander is a peer-reviewed, quarterly publication of the Western, Inland, and Eastern Bird Banding Associations and includes articles and information of interest to banders. Topics include
- Basics of banding, netting and trapping.
- "How to" articles on making and using banding equipment.
- Selected sources and references on special techniques, i.e., aging and sexing of birds.
- Reports from banding stations.
- Reports on original research by banders.
- Reviews of current books in the fields of bird ecology and behavior relevant to banding.
- Accounts of the work of banders in the region.
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