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Australian Field Ornithology

Australian Field Ornithology is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal publishing original papers on a broad spectrum of topics relating to Australasian ornithology, including ecology, behaviour and history of individual species and groups. It also publishes significant natural history observations and has a particular emphasis on data or observations gained in the field. It regularly includes authoritative reviews of other ornithological publications. Formerly a Bird Observation and Conservation Australia journal, it was first published in 1959 as The Australian Bird Watcher and took on its present title in 2003. The body of work contained in the journal has added greatly to our knowledge of Australia’s birds and continues to do so; most new Australian species records are published in AFO and it has been an important source of data for our authoritative Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds.


Contributions are welcome from everyone researching or observing birds in the Australasian region (including Australia and its Territories, as well as Wallacea, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia), particularly those reporting data derived from observing birds in the field. Potential authors should check the advice to contributors and submission details below.


Tables of contents and abstracts for recent issues are available on the journal's website.

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