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Australasian Seabird Bulletin

    Sort Title: Australasian Seabird Bulletin
    Title Abbreviation: Australas. Seab. Bull.
    Publishing Organization: Australasian Seabird Group
    Online Access: Unknown
    Language: English
    Geographic Scope: International
    Type: Journal
    Status: Active
    Start Year: 2000
    Frequency: Two times per year
    ISSN: 0313-8208
    OCLC Number: 173381121

The Australasian Seabird Bulletin is the journal of the Australasian Seabird Group.


The first issue of the Australasian Seabird Bulletin was no. 36, published in April 2000. Prior to that it was known as the Australasian Seabird Group Newsletter. The name was changed because the contents and the publication frequency were better described as a bulletin than a newsletter.

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