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BirdLife International

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Everything posted by BirdLife International

  1. As well as quantifying progress (or failure) and highlighting successes and good news stories in relation to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, data from birds can inform the development and implementation of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and its targetsView the full article
  2. Today, BirdLife Europe released a new report which provides an in-depth analysis of derogations in eight EU Member States: Bulgaria, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Poland and Spain.View the full article
  3. A new network for seabird research and conservation in Cabo Verde is already making an impact on bird species and the local communities that live alongside themView the full article
  4. When our first campaign to save African vultures started in 2015, global awareness and political recognition of these majestic raptors were in their infancy. Discover just a few examples of the fantastic achievements that BirdLife supporters helped to kick-start, and find out how you can help us step up our action to the next level.View the full article
  5. Dailus Laurence, the Chief Warden of Cousin Island Special Reserve and employee of Nature Seychelles (BirdLife Partner), has won the prestigious 2020 African Ranger Award, promoted by the Alibaba Foundation and the Paradise Foundation. The award includes prize money of US$ 10,000.View the full article
  6. Responding to EU citizens’ concerns on the state of the environment, the alarming loss of biodiversity and protecting human health, MEPs should support the decision of the REACH Committee, following the opinion of the European Chemicals Agency, to ban lead shot in wetlands. View the full article
  7. Where can you find out about the world’s most important sites for nature, and the reasons for their significance? The Key Biodiversity Area Partnership is delighted to announce the launch of its new website, containing everything you need to know about all 16,000 sites.View the full article
  8. Saturday 17th – Sunday 18th October is Global Bird Weekend, where people across the world will venture out to record as many birds as they can – and raise money for conservation while they’re doing it. Here’s why you should join in the fun.View the full article
  9. I am convinced that most of the rather complex and long-standing planetary problems of our age can be solved by looking onto our food plates. Let me explain why. View the full article
  10. You may have heard about the world’s catastrophic failure to meet global biodiversity targets. But there's hope. A new landmark report from BirdLife International uses bird conservation successes to outline recommended solutions that could help the next set of targets to succeed.View the full article
  11. Join us for a bite-sized round-up of advances published in our journal Bird Conservation International. Highlights include insights into how human disturbance affects the feeding, breeding and overall health of bird populations.View the full article
  12. As businesses wake from hibernation and the world eases itself into something close to normal, global attention turns to economic recovery – but ignoring nature as part of these plans would be a huge error. Will the EU’s response be fit for purpose?View the full article
  13. In Europe, every year, 20,000 tons of lead hunting ammunition is shot into our natural environment, and more than one million waterbirds die from ingesting it. Lead shot is toxic for plants, soil, water; and even for the animals and humans who eat contaminated birds. View the full article
  14. Despite being over-hunted to the brink of extinction, this flamboyant member of the grouse family may now be starting to recover. Discover its turbulent history of changing fortunes.View the full article
  15. This week, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) published the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 (GBO-5) – a final and damning report card on the progress made against the 2020 ‘Aichi Biodiversity Targets’, making it clear that while the last UN decade on biodiversity has failed, this coming decade on ecosystem restoration cannot.View the full article
  16. On the eve of the High Level Week of the UN General Assembly, a call for world leaders to act to halt and reverse nature loss this decade comes from far and wide: Businesses; Environment, Development and Humanitarian Organisations; Faith groups; Local and Regional Governments; Indigenous People; and Youth are all calling for action to secure a sustainable future for people and planet.View the full article
  17. Forming part of the Ethiopian Highlands in Southern Ethiopia is the Liben Plain, an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area. View the full article
  18. This year, the Pantanal – the world’s largest tropical wetland – has seen three times as many fires as 2019, exacerbated by climate change and likely started by humans. The BirdLife Partnership is calling on the Brazilian and international governments to urgently increase action.View the full article
  19. A new study shows just how effectively conservation action slows extinction rates, calculating that at least 28 bird and mammal species would have been lost since 1993 without intervention. The message is clear – with enough support, we can halt the extinction crisis.View the full article
  20. As birds migrate from Europe to their wintering grounds in Africa, we explore the fascinating behaviour of the Common Ringed Plover, a small but feisty wader familiar across Africa’s wetlands.View the full article
  21. Through an exciting new partnership, BirdLife is helping rangers continue to combat poaching in difficult times and bringing vultures into the spotlight among the more high profile victims of wildlife trade.View the full article
  22. A new international agreement could prove a major step forward towards our mission of ensuring vultures are safe from poisoning across their entire range.View the full article
  23. Listen to the beautiful songs of birds brought to the brink of extinction by the illegal wildlife trade, and find out how you can help us stop this profound threat to nature and human healthView the full article
  24. With a touch of comedy, India-based cartoonist Rohan Chakravarty uses his illustrations to give a view of the world through a bird’s eyes and present thought-provoking conservation messages. Explore the fascinating habits and shocking hardships of the Helmeted Hornbill: a Critically Endangered species.View the full article
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