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Everything posted by wpiper

  1. Wisconsin and Minnesota Loon Projects each require three research interns to assist in a long-term investigation of territoriality, habitat selection, human impacts, and population dynamics of common loons in two study areas: 1) northern Wisconsin and 2) north-central Minnesota. Applicants should be available for all or most of period 15 May – 10 August 2024. In both states, responsibilities will include identification of marked loons from colored leg bands, systematic observation of territorial and nesting behavior, recording and playback of loon calls, measurement of loon tameness with laser rangefinders, constructive interaction with cottage owners on lakes, and nocturnal capture and marking of adult loons and chicks. Successful applicants must: 1) have own car, 2) be physically fit and able to swim well, 3) have a love of outdoor conditions (including wind, rain, and insects!), 4) have good color vision (to record colored leg bands effectively), 5) be able to live and work independently and with others, 6) be able to communicate effectively to peers, the public, and the principle investigator, and 7) have a commitment to doing high-quality scientific work. Experience with bird identification, canoes, and motorboats helpful but not essential. Housing, gas costs on site, and stipend of $2000 per month provided. E-mail resume, including list of 3+ references (file named "Resume - [your last name]") as soon as possible to: Dr. Walter Piper at Chapman University: wpiper@chapman.edu. (Write "Loon Internship - [your last name]" as the subject line for your e-mail.) For more info, see web page at: https://loonproject.org/.
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