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  • Fall Raptor Migration Biologist/Observer: SW Montana

    Guest Steve Hoffman
    • Employer: Sacajawea Audubon Society
      Location: Bridger Mtns. - 22 miles NE of Bozeman, MT
      Country: United States
      Last Date to Apply: No value
      Open Until Filled: Yes

    Job Description:  From August 25 to October 31 2023, Raptor Migration Observers/Biologists will work in teams of two to conduct daily, standardized (8 hours/day) counts of migrating raptors from the crest of the Bridger Mountains, near Bozeman, Montana. Weather permitting, observers will be required to work 4-6 days per week. Observers will record all data electronically (on a tablet in the field). To enhance the project’s public visibility, observers are expected to develop and maintain a social media presence for the project, including a project blog, regular posting on Facebook, etc. Upon conclusion of the season (October 31st) one or both observers will be asked to draft the annual Project Report, and shall be paid an additional $600 for this task.

    Qualifications and How to Apply: Applicants must have superb eyesight, be in excellent physical condition (capable of hiking of 2.5 miles each way to observation point, including 2200-ft. elevation gain), be willing to endure long hours in the field with variable weather (cold temperatures and strong winds are not uncommon), work collaboratively as a team member with 1-2 other experienced observers, and, most importantly, have demonstrated outstanding raptor-in-flight identification skills. Applicants must also have public outreach/social media communications experience, as the project attracts as many as 200 visitors to the site each season, many of whom are keenly interested in learning more about the purpose and findings of the project. The successful candidate must provide his/her own reliable vehicle and high-quality binoculars.

    Please send cover letter, resume, 3 references with phone numbers and email addresses (at least one must be able to vouch for candidate's in-flight raptor ID experience/skills), and dates of availability in a single email attachment (as a PDF) to: swhoffman0322@gmail.com  - candidate qualifications will be reviewed upon receipt. Three positions will remain open until filled (hiring decisions will likely be concluded by late May/early June, or possibly sooner). Preference will be given to partner applications (two individuals who have the necessary experience and have worked together in the field).

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