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  • Co-lead Bird Bander

    James Junda
    • Employer: Monomoy Bird Observatory
      Location: Cape Cod, MA
      Country: United States
      Last Date to Apply: No value
      Open Until Filled: Yes

    Monomoy Bird Observatory is a non-profit conservation and research organization conducting bird research at two banding stations on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We are looking for (2) experienced banders to co-lead two fall migration banding operations on South Monomoy Island, Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, and a second station on mainland Cape Cod, MA. Requirements: A qualified candidate is expected to have a strong interest in avian biology and knowledge of Eastern North American landbirds. Experience extracting passerines from mist nets is required. Some experience with aging, sexing, and taking morphometric measurements is preferred. Banders are expected to run and supervise stations after a short training period. While at the mainland station candidates must be prepared to interact with the public while conducting banding operations; public and educational demonstrations are a key part of our project and we will encounter visitors in organized groups led by naturalists and individuals walking the trails in this open property throughout the season. While working on South Monomoy Island banders are expected to be able to live in a remote location (in a 170-year-old lighthouse) with limited amenities and primitive conditions, but an abundance of avian life. In addition to banding, surveys of ducks, shorebirds, and seawatches are performed weekly. South Monomoy is one of the best places to find rarities in the world and offers an abundance of diverse avian life with 100s-1000s of birds observed daily.  For more information on the banding locations and project please visit our website monomoybirds.org. Compensation: At the mainland station, for 6 weeks of the season, ~17.00 per hour depending on experience, 40 hours per week, with modern housing provided at 35$ per week. While on Monomoy, 5 weeks of the season, banders will receive a stipend of $100 per week to pay for food, with housing provided free of cost. Duration: August 27 – November 15. Work Schedule: Daily, from dawn until six hours after dawn, weather allowing. To Apply: Send a resume, two references, and a cover letter highlighting banding and extraction experience with the number of birds extracted to james.jundaATgmail.com

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