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Hard to see, but are woodcocks disappearing? - Impartial Reporter

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Well camouflaged, the woodcock amongst leaves and twigs.
Impartial Reporter


A bird that is hard to see could be in danger of becoming invisible.


Woodcock are so well camouflaged they are difficult to spot at the best of times. So are they disappearing or are we not looking hard enough, and in the right places? And how many are there in Fermanagh?


That's the mystery Michael Stinson hopes to help unravel with the help of the county's hawk-eyed and owl-eared wildlife sleuths.

Michael, from Boa Island, Kesh, is regional representative of the British Trust for Ornithology in Fermanagh and Tyrone. The Trust, in conjunction with the Game and WildlifeConservation Trust, is carrying out a national survey of breeding woodcock.

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