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VertNet: A New Model for Biodiversity Networks

Carla Cicero

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In May 2011, the National Science Foundation awarded funding to VertNet to create a cloud-based infrastructure for mobilizing and publishing data from ORNIS and the three other distributed vertebrate databases (FishNet, MaNIS, and HerpNET). This project has the potential to change how people conduct biodiversity science. We invite you to follow our progress and engage us in conversation with questions and comments on our newly launched VertNet Blog. We will post every Tuesday on topics ranging from biodiversity research to advances in informatics to the VertNet Project itself. You can also follow VertNet using other social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Specific questions about VertNet should be sent to the Project Coordinator, David Bloom (dbloom[at]vertnet.org).


Learn more about the VertNet team on a recent blog post.


A full abstract of the VertNet project is posted on the NSF website.

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