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Puerto Vallarta Bird Festival March 7-10

Cara J

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I wanted to help promote this festival being sponsored partially by a friend of mine. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this announcement but I figured it was "general". I heard about this festival from the owner of Rancho Primavera in El Tuito, just south of Puerto Vallarta.




She is a great supporter of bird conservation and research and allows researchers to stay at her ranch for free (within limits of course). This part of Mexico has not had any problems with violence and has amazing bird diversity. I really encourage anyone interested in traveling to this part of Mexico to look into staying here. The owners are very dedicated to bird conservation. The birds are amazing, the food is delicious, the lodging beautiful and all very affordable.


If anyone is interested in participating in the festival, leading tours or giving talks, I think there is still time to offer to participate. I think Rancho Primavera can still offer housing for contributors as well.


Otherwise, this would be a fabulous festival to attend! I wish I could go but I think defending is probably more important this spring! Maybe next year though!

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