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ISOFastRead function & serial monitor issues

Kyu Min Huh

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I could not compile the ETAG_V10 because ISOFastRead was not defined. Perhaps there is another library file I am missing? 

Since there is already a sketch loaded to ETAG, I can read the information from the serial monitor saying "Value received: ?". But not the texts in the manual such as "00/02/2010 18:17:48 Device ID: A101 Logging mode: F (Data saved to flash mem only; no SD card logging)" . It just says "Value received: ?" and so on. 



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Turns out ISOFastRead, FastRead and all RFID related functions are in custom Manchester.h file in https://github.com/Eli-S-Bridge/ETAG_V10. If you encounter the same problem, don't download the generic ones online! Simply copy the Manchester.h file in github, go to Documents -> Arduino -> libraries, make a new file name Manchester, and paste the Manchester.h file. Now things compile nicely! 

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