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Sea and Sage Audubon Society (Orange County, California chapter) has a student grant available. The 2021 application has just been released. We offer grants of up to $2,500 each year for ecological research projects. Please note that although the grant is given by the Audubon Society, research projects are not limited to bird research!  We have purposely left our eligibility guidelines very broad to allow us to provide funding for a variety of interesting ecological research projects. Our total budget for grant awards has recently been increased this year to $10,000, which means that we will be able to provide full funding to more projects!

The application and letters of recommendation should be emailed to BloomHaysGrant@aol.com. The deadline is April 9, 2021. Please see attached guidelines and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (BloomHaysGrant@aol.com).

The 2021 grant application instructions have also been posted to the Sea and Sage Audubon website under the Conservation tab:



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