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First independent project in ornithology

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Hello everyone! I'm starting my first independent research project looking at vocal systems anatomy in suboscines. I will be utilizing CT scans of museum specimens to construct 3D printed models of the syrinx, larynx, and trachea of a few different families of Tyrannidae (ideally one from each family). I have access to an excised larynx chamber, and I am hoping to be able to perform some modeling experiments with these models. I am planning on doing some basic biometric analysis as well, and comparing this data to known songs and calls from the species. If you are interested in endorsing my project or supporting it the link will follow: https://experiment.com/projects/how-does-morphology-affect-phonation-in-suboscine-songbirds.


So glad to be a part of this group!

Best wishes, Jenny

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There are also some funding sources out there! I am not sure how updated they are on here - but check with your local Audubon or ornithological society. Some offer small grants for bird research/conservation projects. 

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