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Eastern Bird Banding Association - Research Grants

Andrea Patterson

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The Eastern Bird Banding Association seeks applicants for grant awards to be used toward research using banding or other avian marking techniques.  From one to five grants of up to $1000 each will be awarded with priority given to research being conducted on species that spend at least part of their life cycle in any U.S. state or Canadian province included in EBBA territory. Projects that are planned for other portions of the United States, Canada, or the Western hemisphere also may be considered. Research studies with conservation or management implications are particularly encouraged.

Applicants should submit a proposal that includes a clear research question, a project plan, a discussion of the ornithological significance of the study, a budget, and a CV.   Detailed information on application format and content is available here; applications that do not meet the guidelines will be rejected. All applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF document, with the following naming convention:  Lastname_Firstname_EBBA2020.

Grantees are asked to provide EBBA with an interim progress report and a final summary, and they are encouraged to present at least a part of the study at an annual EBBA meeting.  Travel Grants for this purpose are available. Grantees are strongly encouraged to become members of EBBA.

Send applications and/or inquiries by 15 February 2020 to:

Andrea Patterson


EBBA Research Grants.pdf


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