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The Motus Wildlife Tracking System has revolutionized how we record animal movements in nature. Powdermill Avian Research Center (www.powdermillarc.org) and Willistown Conservation Trust are pleased to announce that they will be providing Motus technology workshops at Powdermill Nature Reserve April 5th -7th and at the American Ornithological Meeting June 25th, 2019.

The workshop at Powdermill Nature Reserve will be held from 5pm Friday April 5h to noon Sunday April 7th.  Powdermill Nature Reserve, the field station of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, is located in the beautiful mountains of Western Pennsylvania near Rector. The workshop is aimed towards those with little or no experience utilizing nanotags and the Motus Wildlife Tracking Network.  Participants will gain hands on experience building a sensorgnome, setting up a Motus station, and attaching nanotags to live birds (for participants sub-permitted to band birds). Presentations will focus on project planning, examples of how the network has been used for research, and limitations of the technology.  Workshop registration is $275 and includes meals Friday evening through Sunday morning, and shared housing in modest cabins on property free of charge (bring your own linens).   Participants can build and take home their own Raspberry Pi sensorgnome (Funcube Dongles not included) for an additional $225.  If you wish to stay elsewhere, standard accommodations are available at several nearby hotels for approximately $100 per night. Participants will be responsible for their own transportation.  For more information and to register visit: https://powdermillarc.org/news/motus-workshop/


The workshop at the American Ornithology Meeting will consist of a two 4-hour sessions Tuesday June 25th in Anchorage Alaska.  The morning session will cover project planning, equipment, and data management while afternoon session will focus on constructing a sensorgnome.  The morning presentations will include development of local or regional networks, station equipment, transmitter selection and attachment, metadata, and data retrieval and processing using Program R.  Participants in the afternoon session will get hands-on experience building and testing a fully functional, weatherproof sensorgnome using the Raspberry Pi microcomputer.  There is an optional add-on fee to cover the cost of the sensorgnome if you would like to take yours home ($225, Funcube Dongles not included).  For more information and to register visit: https://amornithmeeting.org/workshops-roundtables/.


Additional questions can be sent to Jon Rice, ricej@carnegiemnh.org, or Luke DeGroote, degrootel@carnegiemnh.org.


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