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Patrick J. Gould, 1934-2018

Fern Davies

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Patrick J. Gould was born 1934, and received his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona, and served as a Research Curator for the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program, 1963-1964. He authored a text of Techniques for Shipboard Surveys of Marine Birds and another on the Distribution and Abundance of Marine Birds and Mammals Wintering in the Kodiak Area of Alaska and other papers and texts about marine birds. He worked for the USGS Biological Resources Division in Alaska.


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Pat and Gerry Sanger were hired as lead division heads of seabird surveys and colony research respectively by the OBS-CE (Office of Biological surveys and coastal ecosystems) of the USFWS in 1976 during the OCSEAP program. Eventually the OBS-CE joined with the USGS.

Pat remained with the federal government for a few years and then transferred to DC, eventually retiring in Colorado where he was active in some natural history societies near Florence.

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