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Eastern Bird Banding Association: Meeting and Call for Presentations

Andrea Patterson

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This year, the Eastern Bird Banding Association will have its annual meeting on the stunning Schoodic Penninsula in Maine from 22-24 June.  We hope you will join us for some great workshops and research talks, our fantastic bucket raffle, and - of course - puffins!

We are soliciting abstracts for the poster and paper sessions, which will be held on Saturday 23 June.

Presentations can reflect original research, summarize existing information, address the use of banding as a tool in avian research and monitoring, present improvements and innovations in banding, or explore novel ways of using banding to teach and communicate science to the public.  We especially encourage abstracts addressing research in which banding was an essential component, but will consider submissions from a broader spectrum of research as well.

Please submit poster abstracts electronically to Andrea Patterson <andrea.j.patterson@gmail.com>, and paper abstracts electronically to Lisa Kiziuk <lkr@wctrust.org>.

For additional information about the 2018 meeting, check our our website <http://www.easternbirdbanding.org/2018-ebba-meeting/>.

Andrea Patterson
Director, Braddock Bay Bird Observatory

144 Greystone Lane #24
Rochester, NY 14618
Tel. - (585) 490-5361

EBBA Call for Presentations 2018.pdf

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