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Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Grants Available for 2018

Guest Steve Wilson

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Guest Steve Wilson

MOU is seeking proposals for bird-related projects to be funded from the Savaloja Memorial Fund. Grants are awarded for projects that increase our understanding of birds, promote preservation of birds and their natural habitats, or increase public interest in birds. Proposals that involve populations currently underrepresented in Minnesota's birding community are especially welcome as a means of broadening public support for birds and their habitat.

Awards typically range from a few hundred dollars up to as much as $4000.  In 2017 a record $17,000 was awarded by MOU to eight diverse, bird-related education and research projects (http://moumn.org/grants.html). We don’t know how much money is available for 2018 yet, but we hope to at least equal the amount awarded this year.

Application information may be obtained at the link given above. The deadline for receipt of grant applications is January 31, 2018. Grant recipients will be notified by April 1, 2018.

Steve Wilson
Chair, MOU Savaloja Committee

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