Melanie Colón Posted November 8, 2017 Share Posted November 8, 2017 Quantitative geographic ecology using R: modelling genomes, niches, andcommunities (QGER01) April 2018 - 4th May 2018Dr. Dan Warren and Dr. Matt FitzpatrickCourse Overview:Spatial modelling is increasingly being used in ecology and evolutionarybiology for both basic and applied research questions. While emphasistraditionally has been on species-level niche modelling, the increasingavailability of genomic and community-level data has increased interest inmodelling biodiversity patterns above and below the species level. This5-day course will provide a thorough introduction to different spatialmodelling techniques for quantifying and visualizing patterns ofbiodiversity across scales of biological organization – from population-level genetic variation, to species ecological niches, to communities.Students will learn about theory, common data types, and statisticaltechniques used in these different applications.The course will include introductory lectures, guided computer coding in R,and exercises for the participants, with an emphasis on visualization andreproducible workflows. All modelling and data manipulation will beperformed with R. Attendees will learn to use niche modelling algorithmsincluding Maxent, GLM, GAM, and others, and will learn both new andexisting methods for conducting comparative studies using ENMs in the newENMTools R package. Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) and GradientForest (GF) will be taught for modelling genomic and community-level data.The course is intended for intermediate R users with interest inquantitative geographical ecology.After successfully completing this course students will:1) Understand the theory underlying ENMs and the critical assumptionsnecessary to the modelling process.2) Be able to develop, evaluate, and apply ENMs both in the context ofconservation-oriented studies and to study niche evolution.3) Understand the statistical underpinnings of GDM and GF4) Be able to develop, evaluate and apply GDM and GF for quantifying andmapping spatial genetic patterns and community-level compositional variation5) Assess population- and community-level vulnerability to climate changeMonday 30thOrganisation and Introductions.Spatial data in R.Point data, vector data, and raster data.GBIF, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.Interacting with Google Maps.Working with raster and vector data.Tuesday 1stEcological vs. historical biogeography.ENM / SDM concepts and assumptionsDismoConceptual and practical issues with ecological inferences fromdistribution data.Simulating species occurrence data.Wednesday 2ndTesting ecological and evolutionary hypotheses via Monte Carlo methods.ENMTools R package.EcospatQuestions of taxonomic scale.Incorporating niche conservatism into the modelling process.Thursday 3rdIntroduction to community-level modelingBackground on GDM and GFReview of data formats and data preparation• Community-level data• Genomic dataModel fitting and testingInterpreting model results, including turnover functionsModel testing / validation / variable selectionFriday 4thPredictions & Applications of GDM / GFTransforming gridsVisualizing spatial variation in community / genetic composition• Dissimilarity between locations• Projecting patterns under climate changePlease send enquiries to oliverhooker@prstaititcs.comOther upcoming courses1. November 6th – 10th 2017LANDSCAPE GENETIC DATA ANALYSIS USING R #LNDGMargam Discovery Centre, Wales, Prof. Rodney Dyer November 20th - 25th 2017APPLIED BAYESIAN MODELLING FOR ECOLOGISTS AND EPIDEMIOLOGISTS #ABMESCENE, Scotland, Dr. Matt Denwood November 27th – December 1st 2017INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON FOR BIOLOGISTS #IPYBMargam Discovery Centre, Wales, Dr. Martin Jones December 4th - 8th 2017ADVANCING IN STATISTICAL MODELLING USING R #ADVRMargam Discovery Centre, Wales, Dr. Luc Bussiere, Dr. Tom Houslay, Dr. AneTimenes Laugen, January 29t – February 2nd 2018INTRODUCTION TO BAYESIAN HIERARCHICAL MODELLING #IBHMSCENE, Scotland, Dr. Andrew Parnell January 29th – February 2nd 2018PHYLOGENETIC DATA ANALYSIS USING R #PHYLSCENE, Scotland, Dr. Emmanuel Paradis February 19th – 23rd 2018MOVEMENT ECOLOGY #MOVEMargam Discovery Centre, Wales, Dr Luca Borger, Dr Ronny Wilson, DrJonathan Potts February 19th – 23rd 2018GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS USING R #GMMRMargam Discovery Centre, Wales, Prof. Dean Adams, Prof. Michael Collyer,Dr. Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou March 5th - 9th 2018SPATIAL PRIORITIZATION USING MARXAN #MRXNMargam Discovery Centre, Wales, Jennifer McGowan March 12th - 16th 2018ECOLOGICAL NICHE MODELLING USING R #ENMRGlasgow, Scotland, Dr. Neftali Sillero March 19th – 23rd 2018BEHAVIOURAL DATA ANALYSIS USING MAXIMUM LIKLIHOOD IN R #BDMLGlasgow, Scotland, Dr William Hoppitt April 9th – 13th 2018NETWORK ANAYLSIS FOR ECOLOGISTS USING R #NTWAGlasgow, Scotland, Dr. Marco Scotti April 16th – 20th 2018INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL MODELLING FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS USING R #IPSYGlasgow, Scotland, Dr. Dale Barr, Dr Luc Bussierre April 23rd – 27th 2018MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES USING THE VEGAN PACKAGE#VGNRGlasgow, Scotland, Dr. Peter Solymos, Dr. Guillaume Blanchet April 30th – 4th May 2018QUANTITATIVE GEOGRAPHIC ECOLOGY: MODELING GENOMES, NICHES, AND COMMUNITIES#QGERGlasgow, Scotland, Dr. Dan Warren, Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick May 7th – 11th 2018 ADVANCES IN MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF SPATIALECOLOGICAL DATA USING R #MVSPCANADA (QUEBEC), Prof. Pierre Legendre, Dr. Guillaume Blanchet May 14th - 18th 2018INTRODUCTION TO MIXED (HIERARCHICAL) MODELS FOR BIOLOGISTS #IMBRCANADA (QUEBEC), Prof Subhash Lele May 21st - 25th 2018INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON FOR BIOLOGISTS #IPYBSCENE, Scotland, Dr. Martin Jones May 21st - 25th 2018INTRODUCTION TO REMOTE SENISNG AND GIS FOR ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONSGlasgow, Scotland, Prof. Duccio Rocchini, Dr. Luca Delucchi May 28th – 31st 2018STABLE ISOTOPE MIXING MODELS USING SIAR, SIBER AND MIXSIAR #SIMMCANADA (QUEBEC) Dr. Andrew Parnell, Dr. Andrew Jackson May 28th – June 1st 2018ADVANCED PYTHON FOR BIOLOGISTS #APYBSCENE, Scotland, Dr. Martin Jones June 12th -0 15th 2018SPECIES DISTRIBUTION MODELLING #DBMRMyuna Bay sport and recreation, Australia, TBCCOMING SOON www.PRstatistics.com23. June 12th – 15th 2018MARK RECAPTURE METHODS IN ECOLOGY #MKRCMyuna Bay sport and recreation, Australia, TBCCOMING SOON www.PRstatistics.com24. June 18th – 22nd 2018STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELLING FOR ECOLOGISTS AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGISTSUSING R #SEMRMyuna Bay sport and recreation, Australia, TBCCOMING SOON July 2nd - 5th 2018SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS FOR BEHAVIOURAL SCIENTISTS USING R #SNARGlasgow, Scotland, Prof James Curley July 8th – 12th 2018MODEL BASE MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF ABUNDANCE DATA USING R #MBMVGlasgow, Scotland, Prof David Warton July 16th – 20th 2018PRECISION MEDICINE BIOINFORMATICS: FROM RAW GENOME AND TRANSCRIPTOME DATATO CLINICAL INTERPRETATION #PMBIGlasgow, Scotland, Dr Malachi Griffith, Dr. Obi GriffithCOMING SOON www.prinformatics.com28. July 23rd – 27th 2018EUKARYOTIC METABARCODINGGlasgow, Scotland, Dr. Owen Wangensteen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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