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Tracking tags & Collars survey - WWF Cons Tech Guidelines Project

Guest Paul Glover-Kapfer

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Guest Paul Glover-Kapfer

Dear All,

You may already be aware of the cons tech guidelines and supporting webpages produced by WWF-UK (https://www.wwf.org.uk/conservationtechnology/). The next issues in this series will include tracking tags and collars, and we would very much appreciate your input so we can ensure all experiences are represented regardless of organization, geography, realm, or taxa.

As such, you are cordially invited to share your knowledge and opinions in the field of animal tracking here: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/Constrack.
Before final submission of your responses, you have the option to enter your name and e-mail (in order for us to contact you directly with the results of the survey) or remain anonymous (we do not store IP addresses). There are no mandatory fields; you may skip any question that you don't want or are not able to answer. The estimated time needed to answer all questions is 10 to 15 Minutes.
Please help us by completing this survey and please also forward the link to this survey to colleagues that might also be willing to share their knowledge and experience in animal tracking.

And feel free to contact me directly with any questions or suggestions.
Thank you very much for your support!


Sincerely, Paul Glover-Kapfer

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