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Call for proposals for 2014 IOC - new deadline

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Call for Proposals to the 2014 IOC, Tokyo

! Deadline Extended to 31 July 2012

In August 2014 the 26th International Ornithological Congress will be held in Tokyo, Japan. We hereby repeat our invitation to submit proposals for symposia and for plenary speakers that was launched earlier this spring.The deadline for submitting proposals has now been extended to the end of July. Even though we have received a number of interesting proposals, fewer were submitted than anticipated.


We therefore welcome all proposals or symposia on any aspect of ornithology, preferably submitted by convenors from different continents or at least countries. Please check the IOC website www.ioc26.jp for further information, or do not hesitate to contact us by email.


We look forward to your contributions and hope to see you in Tokyo in 2014!



Erik Matthysen, SPC chair (erik.matthysen@ua.ac.be)

Keisuke Ueda, Congress Convener (keisuke@rikkyo.ac.jp)

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