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U.S. Nightjar Network 2017 2017 Survey Dates – June corrected

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Though the 2017 June survey dates were correct on other parts of the website (June 1 – June 17), it was incorrect on the moon graphic of the last post, which was incorrectly showing the 2016 dates of the 12th through the 27th. So if you live north of AZ, FL, NM, or TX and plan to survey in June, please make note of the correction. Thank you, and we apologize for any confusion.

The U.S. Nightjar Network 2017 survey dates have finally arrived. These dates are specifically chosen to coincide with the nights of brightest moonlight and greatest nightjar calling frequency. These are important dates to use so survey conditions are standardized across all regions of the Nightjar Survey Network. If you ever have a question regarding the best date for your route always feel welcome to contact nightars@nightjars.org with your inquiry.

2017 Survey Dates:

Window 1: 3 April to 19 April for low elevation AZ and NM, and FL and TX
Window 2: 2 May to 18 May for any location in the country
Window 3: 1 June to 17 June for areas north of AZ, FL, NM, and TX and recommended for high elevation areas in the Northern U.S.

Always be sure to time your surveys after the moonrise. You can find moonrise information, survey instructions, and data sheets here.

Special thanks to all the new and returning participants for your years of support!


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