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FInal Call for Abstracts - 41st Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society

Clay Green

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ANNOUNCEMENT – The 41st Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society.


Final Call for ABSTRACTS and EARLY REGISTRATION.  Reykjavik, Iceland, August 8-12 2017.


The Waterbird Society will hold its 41st Annual Conference and General Meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland, from August 8-12 2017. Three full days of scientific sessions, symposia and workshops are planned including symposia on ‘diversity’ in waterbirds, puffins, terns, foraging ecology of generalist species and geolocator/telemetry studies.


Abstract submissions are open now and will close May 15. For abstracts, please use the following https://waterbirds.org/annual-meeting/2017-abstract-submission/

For specific guidance on abstract submissions, please see here https://waterbirds.org/httpswaterbirds-organnual-meetingabstract_instructions-%e2%80%8e/


Registration is open now and early bird registration will end June 13. For registration, please use the following link https://icelandtravel.artegis.com/event/WaterbirdSociety2017


For questions about abstracts, scientific session or about the meeting, please contact Clay Green (Chair, Scientific Program – claygreen@txstate.edu. For questions about the registration, accommodation, tours or field trips, please contact Sigridur Hronn -conferences@icelandtravel.is




President, The Waterbird Society


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