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Course: Ecology and Conservation of Migratory Birds

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The Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation, a partnership between George Mason University and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI), is excited to be offering its popular course: Ecology and Conservation of Migratory Birds, from September 18-29, 2017.

Led by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, this course teaches the most current methods in the research of migratory birds including theoretical concepts, field and laboratory methods (e.g. mist-netting, banding, tissue sampling, stable isotope geochemistry, geolocators and radio telemetry), data analysis (including distance sampling and mark-recapture statistics) and applied conservation strategies.

Participants will be mist-netting and handling birds nearly every morning of the course, and will also learn to prepare museum voucher study skins. Some scholarships are available for international applicants. General information about our programs can be found on our website (smconservation.gmu.edu) and questions can be sent to SCBItraining@si.edu.

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