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Catalina Island Genomics Workshops Aug 11-23

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Hi Colleagues,

This summer we’re offering two workshops on the use of high-throughput
sequencing to study population genetic variation and community diversity.
For more details, see this link or the description that follows.


We aim to train biologists with little or no NGS experience to prepare
sequencing libraries and analyze the millions of DNA sequences that result.
Participants are expected to provide DNA samples from their own study
systems, and we will prepare sequencing libraries together from those
samples as well as a shared set of samples for a group project.

Participants will learn to analyze these data using simple command line
tools on a high-performance computing cluster. Altogether, we’ll cover the
process from raw genomic DNA in a tube, to millions of DNA sequences, to
biological data on population and/or community diversity.

Registration for these workshops covers room and board (three meals a day,
with ample coffee and snacks) during the workshop, and reagents/sequencing
such that each participant can sequence and analyze up to 10 of their own

For the 5-day amplicon sequencing workshop (Aug 11-15), registration costs
$1,300. For the 9-day 2bRAD genotyping workshop (Aug 15-23), registration
costs $1,900. Participants enrolling in both workshops will have the option
of participating in a ‘bonus’ special topics in bioinformatics session and
pay a discounted rate of $3,000 for both workshops.

For more information, including information from previous years’ workshops,
please see the full posting at the following website:

To reserve your spot, please contact Demian Willette
(demian.willette@lmu.edu), Eli Meyer (eli.meyer@oregonstate.edu), or Carly
Kenkel (carly.kenkel@gmail.com) with "Workshops 2017" in the subject line.

Space is limited! To reserve your spot, please confirm your participation
no later than May 31st and pay registration fee no later than June 30th.

Thanks, hope to see some of you on Catalina this August!

Eli, Demian, and Carly

Eli Meyer, Oregon State University. eli.meyer@oregonstate.edu
Demian Willette, Loyola Marymount University. demian.willette@lmu.edu
Carly Kenkel, University of Southern California. carly.kenkel@gmail.com


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