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The proposed federal budget: as bad as feared for science funding

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This news and analysis are provided by the Ornithological Council, a consortium supported by 11 ornithological societies. Join or renew your membership in your ornithological society if you value the services these societies provide to you, including Ornithology Exchange and the Ornithological Council!




The Administration's proposed budget - a very bare-bones budget that lacks the detail typical of the budget proposals sent by the White House to the Congress - would have devastating impacts on nearly every science program in the federal government. 


The National Science Foundation is not actually mentioned but it is thought that the NSF would be in line for a 9.8% reduction. 


The Institute for Museum and Library Sciences would be eliminated entirely. 


The Department of the Interior, which includes the U.S. Geological Survey, would sustain a cut of 12% though it is not known if this cut would be applied evenly to every bureau and agency of the Department. It would also affect the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which could affect that agency's ability to issue permits in a timely manner. 


The U.S. Department of Agriculture's budget would be cut by 21%. Specific programs would be eliminated entirely. It is not known how the cuts would otherwise affect specific agencies such as the Forest Service and APHIS. 


The National Institutes of Health which does fund some wildlife research and also houses the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, would suffer a 19% cut. 


At the Department of Commerce, the Sea Grant program would be eliminated entirely. 


The Environmental Protection Agency would face a budget reduction of 31% and the Office of Research and Development budget would be cut by 50%. 












Right now: call your representatives in Congress.

April 22. March.

November 2018. Vote. 

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