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Meeting: Second International Bird Observatory Conference

Chris Merkord

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A new meeting has been added to the =1']Ornithology Meetings database.


Meeting Description:

Call for Papers

There are three options for presentation: regular Oral Presentations, Lightning Talks (limited to 5 minutes), or Poster. We recommend that Oral Presentations focus on outcomes or evaluation of specific programs: e.g. results of observatory-related research or monitoring; or evaluation of lessons learned in an education, outreach or capacity-building program. Presentations giving a general introduction to an observatory and its programs should be directed to Lightning Talks or Posters. Posters can be on any topic. Presenters may submit multiple abstracts, but if time available for oral presentations is oversubscribed the organizers may ask that extras be converted to posters. Oral Sessions

Oral presentations include either full-length talks (15 minutes including questions) or lightning talks (5 minutes no questions). Electronic presentations must be in PowerPoint® format and displayed on conference computers. Presentations may be prepared on computers running software other than MS PowerPoint for Microsoft Windows, but will have to be converted prior to uploading to conference computers.Posted Image Poster Sessions

Posters should fit on panels 3 feet high x 4 feet wide (0.9 X 1.3 m). Materials for hanging posters will be available on site. Poster presenters are required to attend their poster during the poster session. Abstracts

Abstracts will be submitted by email, using the format detailed below. Submission deadline is 15 September, 2017.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified via email on a rolling basis, but no later than 2 October, 2017, along with confirmation of presentation type. Prior to the conference, all authors will be provided with a follow-up email with further instructions and specifying the room, date and time of their presentations. Format (Sample submission below):

  • Full name, mailing and email address for the presenting author.
  • Topic area (e.g. Research and Monitoring, Outreach and Education, Conservation Applications, Organization Capacity-building and Sustainability)
  • Presentation type (Oral, Lightning, Poster)
  • Abstract, formatted as in the sample submission shown below.
  • Use 12 point Times New Roman font throughout.
  • If all authors have the same affiliation, no numbers are needed.
  • Use an asterisk to indicate the author who will present.
  • Abbreviate affiliation to organization and geographic location (state/province for North American locations; nearest city and country for others).
  • Body of abstract must not exceed 250 words. Include key conclusions for the benefit of people who cannot attend your presentation.


Meeting Website: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1940314


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