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JWM study: From mining to management for bobwhite

Cara J

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Reclaimed landscapes scarred by surface mining could become more valuable habitat for the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), according to a recent study, especially if subjected to certain methods conventionally used to manage quail. “Because of their size and open landscapes, reclaimed mines can provide an excellent opportunity to conserve and manage bobwhite populations,” said Jarred Brooke, extension wildlife specialist at Purdue University and lead author on the paper, which was published last October in The Journal of Wildlife Management. “Through management, we can enhance these sites.” Brooke and his team suggested that bobwhite habitat could be improved on reclaimed coal mines by reducing invasive plants and making way for plants beneficial to the birds. Wildlife managers knew bobwhite inhabited reclaimed strip mines, but while studies had examined the ecology of songbirds and raptors associated with these novel grassland-like environments, quail remained largely a mystery. In an effort led by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and the University of Tennessee and funded by the Wildlife Restoration Grant Program and the nonprofit Quail Forever, Brooke and collaborating researchers investigated how typical quail management techniques could make these places even more favorable to the birds. Between 2010 and 2013, they [...]


Read more: http://wildlife.org/jwm-study-from-mining-to-management-for-bobwhite/

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