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Integrative Zoology Special Issue on Long-term Research on Animal Populations and Communities – Call for Papers

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The special issue is scheduled to appear in September 2013. If you would like to submit a manuscript to this special issue, please email the title of your manuscript before June 30, 2012. Long-term studies are a critical approach to addressing fundamental ecological questions such as density-dependent population regulation, climate effects, and eco-evolutionary dynamics at both population and community levels. Recently many long-term time series of animal populations have emerged, providing an opportunity to review current progress, research challenges and future directions of long-term studies of animal populations and communities. Therefore, we will organize and edit a special issue in long-term research for Integrative Zoology. Topics of the special issue include, but are not limited to, dynamics and regulation of vertebrate populations and communities, climatic effects, and conservation and management of vertebrate species. Topics can be presented as case studies, synthesis and reviews, and methods for long-term population and community studies.


Integrative Zoology is a peer-reviewed journal published by the International Society of Zoological Sciences. Integrative Zoology has received its first SCI impact factor of 1.0 in 2010. Access its tables of content of current and previous issues. The deadline for manuscript submission is December 1, 2012. Manuscripts need to be submitted online at the journal's manuscript center. Author guidelines are also available. All manuscripts will be doubly-blind reviewed by two referees.

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This announcement was originally posted in the Wildlifer in April and May. I'm not sure to whom you should email the titles if you are interested in submitting, but the Integrative Zoology Author Guidelines on Wiley say this:


Please direct your queries to the Editorial Office of Integrative Zoology:

Institute of Zoology

C-506, 1-5 Beichen Xi Road

Beijing 100101


Tel/fax: +8610 6480 7295

Email to: inz@ioz.ac.cn

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