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5-day field courses at the Eagle Hill Institute, Steuben, Maine

Guest Marilyn Mayer

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Guest Marilyn Mayer

Instructors: Adrienne Leppold and David Brinker

Dates: Aug 21 - 27    

Location: Eagle Hill Institute, Steuben, Maine


Instructor: Gene Wilhelm

Dates: Aug 28 - Sept 3

Location: Eagle Hill Institute, Steuben, Maine


Instructor: Gene Wilhelm

Dates: Sept 4 - 10

Location: Eagle Hill Institute, Steuben, Maine


Course participants include graduate students, professional field biologists, university professors, personnel from federal and state agencies, numerous environmental organizations and consulting firms, and beginning and advanced amateur naturalists. For our course calendar, go to eaglehill.us/seminars where titles are hot-linked to course descriptions and instructor biographies. This page also includes links to other pages: an overview of our program, application information and costs, etc. For more information, contact Marilyn Mayer (Science Program Manager):  marilyn@eaglehill.us  or  207-546-2821 x1.


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