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YIKES! Only 15 more days to submit your abstracts!

Fern Davies

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Call for Abstracts

NAOC 2016 invites you to submit an abstract for consideration as a presentation in the general sessions (Aug 17-20). The official NAOC 2016 Abstract Management System has launched. Here's what you need to know to prepare. 

There are three presentation formats: 

  1. 15-min oral daytime presentations (12-min talk plus 3-min question period)
  2. 5-min oral evening presentations (lightning sessions on Weds and Thurs only)
  3. Traditional posters


The 2 evening lightning sessions and 2 evening poster sessions run concurrently on Weds. and Thurs. Authors should rank which of the three (3) formats they are willing to accept; those willing to present their work within any of the 3 presentation formats will be more likely to have their abstract accepted. For the general sessions, preference will be given to presenting authors who are students, those who are not giving a presentation in a symposium, and abstracts that include explicit (rather than vague or no) results.

Students applying for travel awards need to apply for a place in the program via the abstract management system. Travel grants are only available to students applying for student travel awards.  

Attendees are allowed to be the presenting author for only one (1) paper or poster in the general sessions. By submitting your abstract, you agree to present your talk or poster (if it is selected) at NAOC 2016.  

If your abstract is accepted, you must register for the conference. Acceptance of an abstract does not constitute a formal invitation to travel to the USA. Abstracts should be limited to 250 words. You will not be able to modify your abstract after submission. Notifications regarding acceptance of general session abstracts will be sent out in late May 2016. Guidelines for oral and poster presentations will be available soon.  

All abstracts must be submitted using the NAOC 2016 Abstract Management System. Abstract submission deadline is 11:59 pm EDT on May 9, 2016. Contact the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee (cconway@uidaho.edu) with any questions about the program or submission process.  

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