Chris Merkord Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 Earthwatch is pleased to announce the posting of a request for proposals for field research onbiodiversity and sustainable agriculture in Cuba.Many of the Earth's ecosystems are experiencing unprecedented and extensive environmental degradationand damage. Human development and natural resources extraction are putting wildlife and the habitats onwhich they depend at risk. Climate change is exacerbating these impacts by altering phenology anddisease occurrence, and shifting the frequency and magnitude of disturbances such as hurricanes,droughts, fires and floods. Concurrent with that, providing sustainable food and forest resources tomeet the growing needs of humanity in a rapidly changing world is one of our most urgent conservationneeds. The island nation of Cuba has a long history of effective sustainable agriculture, as well asmaintaining the most ecologically diverse terrestrial and aquatic diversity in the Caribbean. Yet thereis a paucity of scientific research on this island. We are seeking proposals from scientists who canhelp fill this knowledge gap.Earthwatch seeks to develop and support critical and innovative research, as Cuba responds to thevarious agents of change at local, regional and global scales. This nation's rich and vibrant culturalheritage will provide both context and collaborators for scientific research.Specifically, Earthwatch is seeking research proposals from scientists for projects that will addressglobal change with respect to Cuba's biological diversity and agricultural areas by:- Increasing scientific knowledge and public awareness of environmental challenges in Cuba, whileproviding locally relevant solutions (e.g. sustainable forestry, agriculture and fisheries);- Increasing partnerships with grassroots organizations, as well as with governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at local and international levels;- Informing Cuban management plans and environmental policies; and- Improving the livelihoods and resilience of Cuba's human communities.Because meeting these challenges requires contributions from many research fields, we are particularlyinterested in interdisciplinary proposals. We are also very interested in studies that can be appliedto a wide range of Cuban habitats and to taxa across multiple scales. Specific focal areas forEarthwatch support are biodiversity and sustainable agriculture and forestry in Cuba.BIODIVERSITY AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN CUBA RESEARCH TOPICS:We invite proposals by qualified scientists on a broad range of ecological topics, including:- Keystone species and biodiversity, particularly studies of food web relationships driven by apexpredators and other keystone species (e.g. pollinators) and their effects on ecosystem productivity.This includes research in terrestrial, freshwater, marine as well as urban ecosystems;- Climate change impacts on biogeochemical processes, habitat, community assembly and resiliency,maintenance of species diversity, species adaptation and extinction, and carbon sequestration;- Climate change impacts in agriculture and forestry systems on water availability and quality,nutrient flow, maintenance of species diversity, and carbon sequestration;- Human-wildlife coexistence, including the reduction of conflict between humans and wildlife, thereduction of wildlife damage to crops and forests, and noninvasive pest control;- Cooperative sustainable agriculture and forestry strategies, including climate-smart agriculture;- Development of tools to create and monitor resilience in agriculture and forestry systems, includingerosion control, soil conservation and soil health, and weed control.HARNESSING THE POWER OF CITIZEN SCIENCE TO ADDRESS GLOBAL CHANGE:For over 40 years, in order to understand and find sustainable solutions to global change, Earthwatchhas supported scientists in the field assisted by citizen scientists. Participation by volunteersincreases the broader impacts of the research we support. Citizen scientists return home with a deeperunderstanding of what is at stake and greater commitment to address conservation challenges.To fit our citizen science model, all proposed projects must:- Have a 3-year or longer duration (longer-term research may receive priority support);- Incorporate field-based research;- Have data gathered primarily by citizen scientist volunteers recruited by Earthwatch;- Field 4 to 10 teams per year that span 7 to 14 days, each accommodating from 4 up to 20 volunteersper team;- Provide housing for volunteers within a reasonable distance from the research site;- Be open to graduate, college, and/or high school student participation;- Be run in English, with all communications and supporting documents in English;- Have a strong interest in engaging with citizen science volunteers and educating each team ofEarthwatch volunteers about the project's science and its relevance.- Projects that integrate ecological research, sustainable agriculture and forestry with local K-12STEM education, citizen science, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge programs are encouraged.GRANTS:Annual grants cover project expenses while in the field including: equipment (limited), tools, andsupplies; research permits; scientist transport to the field; support staff; food and housing forprincipal investigators, staff, and Earthwatch participants. Grants do not cover scientist salaries,student tuition, overhead, capital equipment, or post-expedition data analysis.For successful proposals, the Principal Investigator (PI) will negotiate a budget in partnership withEarthwatch. Typical budgets range between$20,000-$60,000 USD per year, with approximately half the grant covering volunteer expenses while onthe project. Final grants received are based on the number of volunteers participating. Researchprojects are tenable for three years and potentially renewable beyond that period. All projects aresubject to an annual performance review.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR REQUIREMENTS:All proposals must be submitted by the PI. All PIs must have a PhD and an affiliation with auniversity, government agency, or NGO. All PIs must have experience conducting research in Cuba. Westrongly encourage graduate student participation in projects as co-PIs. We particularly are interestedin helping support emerging scientists from Cuban universities or NGOs.SUBMITTING A PRE-PROPOSAL:All pre-proposals and supporting documents must be in English. Earthwatch will select pre- proposalsfor development into full research proposals. Criteria for selection are: quality and relevance of theproject proposed, PI qualifications, and fit for citizen science. To download a PDF of this request forproposals, or to submit a pre-proposal, please visit: FOR PROJECTS STARTING AFTER SEPT. 30, 2016 WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGH 11:59 PM (EST)TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2015.Please direct inquiries to: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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