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Upcoming webinar of Finding Open Access Science Resources

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Dear Colleagues:

A quick reminder on the upcoming webinar of Finding Open Access Science
Resources to be held this Thursday, May 14th from 2 to 3 EDT.   

Title:  Finding Open Access Science Resources: Tools for Researchers
The explosion of digital content and rise of the open access movement
had made more scientific information available than ever before.
However, the range of information resources available and the challenges
of using multiple search interfaces can make finding relevant results
very frustrating. This webinar attempts to demystify this process by
providing an overview of the major open access science search tools,
databases, and other sources.    Cost $40 For more information see:
To register: http://bit.ly/1HVzGO1

Best Regards,

Matthew Von Hendy MA/MLS

Green Heron Information Services
(240) 401-7433(240) 401-7433(240) 401-7433(240) 401-7433
Author: Fifty Shades of Scientific and Technical Grey Literature


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