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Camera traps catch rare Amazon bird following peccaries

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Camera traps catch rare Amazon bird following peccaries

Jeremy Hance 
April 21, 2015



Although a large, attractive bird found across Latin America, scientists know almost nothing about the rufous-vented ground cuckoo (Neomorphus geoffroyi). Renzo Piana, the director of science and research with the Amazon Conservation Association, described the bird as "rare," "cryptic," "mainly solitary," and "mostly silent"—much of which explains why so little is known about it. But camera traps are helping to reveal more about this, and thousands of other little known species. 

Read more: http://news.mongabay.com/2015/0421-hance-roufus-vented-ground-cuckoo.html#ixzz3Xz0yzshg




Camera trap photo of rufous-vented ground cuckoo (circled) and a collared peccary. Photo courtesy of Renzo Piana. 

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