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Shoals Marine Lab- Field Ornithology Course

Guest Jennifer Seavey

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Guest Jennifer Seavey

Join a two-week field course at Shoals Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island, Maine. May 22 -  June 5, 2015. Taught by Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Dr. David Bonter, this course uses the diverse and abundant birds of the Isles of Shoals as your primary lab material as you gain an understanding of avian ecology. Live among nesting eiders, Herring Gulls, and Great Black-backed Gulls. Course topics include avian diversity, anatomy, ecology, physiology, and behavior. Field techniques include field identification, bird banding, and various census methods. Prerequisites: One semester of college level biology or equivalent; background in ornithology or vert biology is recommended, but not required. Earn college credit at Cornell University or University of New Hampshire. Shoals Marine Laboratory is a Joint facilty of Cornell and UNH. To learn more or enroll: www.shoalsmarine.laboratory.org

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Guest Robin Hadlock Seeley

MEFB 515: Marine and Coastal Conservation Biology


SITE: Shoals Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island, Maine.

DATES: June 8-22,  2015.

UNIVERSITY CREDITS: 3, through Cornell or UNH


Focuses on the major principles of conservation biology and methods to bring human communities into a better relationship with natural resources: Coastal ecosystem processes; coastal biodiversity; threats to coastal ecosystems; species conservation; conserving ecosystem function and services. Projects: construct management goals/actions for local landowners. Shoals Marine Laboratory is a joint facility of Cornell University and UNH. 

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