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Practical Bioinformatics Tools Workshop May 18-22

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Reposted from ecolog


We still have space!

Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional info.

Hope to see you in Raleigh.




Spring workshop in Bioinformatics


Raleigh, North Carolina

May 18 - 22, 2015



The handling of large datasets has become intractable without some level of

bioinformatic literacy. Many biologists find that there is a steep learning

curve to develop the confidence required to explore their genomics datasets

effectively. This bioinformatics short course includes a rich collection of

hands-on instruction and lectures specifically intended to help novice users

become comfortable with a range of tools currently used to analyze

next-generation data. There is no prerequisite for this course other than a

willingness to learn and to work hard throughout the week. All workshop

exercises will be implemented via VirtualBox and focus on Illumina data.



Course participation is limited to to 25 students to ensure an intimate

learning environment.

Course instructors: Nic Blouin, PhD & Ian Misner PhD


Full course information/topics, contact, instructor info, and application

instructions at


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